Matt Sedensky, national writer, New York
Christine Armario, ex-Andes correspondent, Bogata, Colombia
Michael Casey, reporter, Vermont
Dave Porter, reporter, New Jersey
Danica Kirka, bureau chief, London
Edna Tarigan, correspondent, Jakarta, Indonesia
Peter Hamlin, digital producer, New York
Barry Hatton, correspondent, Lisbon, Portugal
Audrey McAvoy, reporter, Hawaii
Gene Johnson, reporter, Seattle
AP journalists around the world have spent the year profiling more than 60 people who have died from the coronavirus, aiming to capture the human toll, one soul at a time. They’ve portrayed the deceased across ages, races, nationalities and social class, and documented the impact of losing someone.
For the final Lives Lost story, reporters revisited the families and friends of 10 people to see how they were coping and ask what they remember most about their lost loved ones. But instead of photos or video, AP made illustrations of revealing objects or other telling details associated with the departed.
Even during a very busy news week, the story and illustrations were widely used by news outlets ranging from U.S. News & World Report to Yahoo and ABC. One family member thanked AP “from the bottom of his heart,” while another said: “I appreciate everything you’ve done for my family.”